audial b


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past projects - audio

past projects - video

"re-design" show reel demos










main theme from theater piece There Is No End to More (2009) written and produced by Brendan Dougherty.

"perform eachother" by speller (words and music by speller 2008) produced by Brendan Dougherty.

"troublemakers theme" written and produced by Brendan Dougherty.

"string and celeste" from There Is No End To More.



video (click to play these quicktime videos)

from deutsche telecom's futurezone room (made in collaboration with atelier markgraph and kunststoff). all music and sound design by Brendan Dougherty.

telecom video

uncompressed ring tone of "nickets hit song"


a reel of various projects done for Volkswagen in collaboration with Volke Entwicklungsring and Kunst Stoff

vw reel


re-designs (coming soon!) contact if interested












work samples
info + cv